
01. Swap two numbers without using third variable.
02. Swap two numbers using a third variable.
03. Display the size of datatypes.
04. Calculate Simple Interest.
05. Calculate Area and Circumference of a circle.
06. Display the denominations of an amount.
07. Find out whether customer will get discount or not (customer will get discount only if total bill amount is greater than Rs. 100).
08. Find out whether an employee will receive bonus or not.
09. Find the grade a student gets based on the average number obtained.
10. Find the grade a student gets based on the average number obtained using Nested If-Else statement.
11. Find out whether a number is even or odd.
12. WAP to determine whether a year is a leap year or not - METHOD 1.
13. WAP to determine whether a year is a leap year or not - METHOD 2.
14. WAP to determine whether a year is a leap year or not - METHOD 3.
15. WAP to determine the smallest of 3 numbers if the numbers are input through keyboard.
16. WAP to check whether a triangle is valid or not where the 3 angles of the triangle are input through keyboard.
17. WAP to check if the points (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are collinear or not.
18. WAP to determine whether a point (x,y) lies inside a circle, on the circle or outside the circle.
19. WAP to determine whether a point (x,y) lies on the x-axis, y-axis or at the origin i.e (0,0).
20. WAP to check whether a triangle is valid or not where the 3 sides of the triangle are input through keyboard.
21. WAP to check whether a triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene.
22. WAP to check whether an alphabet is a vowel or consonant.
23. WAP to determine whether a character entered through keyboard is a lower case alphabet, an upper case alphabet, a digit or a special character.
24. WAP to determine whether a character entered through keyboard is a lower case alphabet, an upper case alphabet, a digit or a special character using ASCII value.
25. WAP to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
26. WAP to determine the quadrant in which a point lies.
27. WAP to calculate the profit and loss incurred.
28. WAP to read any digit and display it in word.
29. WAP to read any day number and display it in word.
30. WAP to read any month number and display it in word.
31. WAP to read any month number and display the number of days in that month.
32. WAP to find the largest number using Ternary Operator.
33. WAP to implement a calculator using Switch Case.

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